Thursday, October 29, 2020

Postcards from the Edge

Halfway to Graceland

Center of the Universe

Center of the Universe II

These postcards are from a specific era in my life when I was using xerox machines to create graphic arts. The full collection is here although it is not quite complete yet. You'll see a number of ones from Carbondale including the ones above.

It was a prolific time for my pop art - the xerox art had started in Kansas in about 1990 and continued right through the nineties until I got more into posterization and computer-generated pop.

The good news is that I am working on a pop art book entirely about Carbondale. These aren't in it; they are early, and not as good quality, as the posterization. But they had a kind of inspiration that I still like. I will try to complete this collection and then link to it from templates.

Monday, June 01, 2020

All from before is now obsolete

100 Haiku paperback $4.29 + shipping on Amazon
kindle $2.99

This book has given "Boxcars on Walnut" (see the ad on the side) a new life, for this reason: small haiku books are clearly the way to go. Putting a thousand in a single volume was clearly beyond my ability to sustain, not to mention do well, and this one in general has a much better chance.

American haiku, 5-7-5, is alive and well. Making a collection of them gives you a single form for every one in the book, and there's something to be said for that. When it's all over, Boxcars on Walnut will be the first of a series.