Wednesday, March 02, 2022

There's a secret that this blog will tell before other people find out. I am returning to Illinois.

The plan is to go to one of five towns: Galesburg, Alton, Bloomington, Quincy, Champaign, and to move about June 1. Why not Carbondale? Lots of reasons. I love Carbondale, but let's just say, lots of reasons. I'm glad I'll be close enough to visit.

The decision may come down to the house. Any of the five appear to acceptable for what we care about, decent school for a couple of high school kids. Also, proximity to kids and grandkids, and health care of various kinds. We've got some specific needs.

I may be able to add to this blog as time goes by; I'm glad it's still here.

Boxcars on Walnut, by the way, is languishing on the shelves; nobody buys haiku. But I don't care; I made it; I love southern Illinois; I love the haiku, and it's the first of several books I've made, so it has a place right there in my heart as a threshold of a haiku era.

More later; I'll keep you posted.

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